More Picture Capture Life (Part 2)
Do you sudoko? You can sudoko in the car, just like my babe is doing while I drive us home!
Or even sudoko in the house while you should be studying! (Actually you should just study la.)
Or, why not play with Carl's Junior vouchers?
Cos they're tasty!
And filled with papery-goodness!
If you don't you're liable to start hitting yourself with sticks.
Or turn gay in anat class.
Look at these hardworking dental students in class! Are they SMS-ing profs complicated questions? Utilizing the 3G network to do research?
No la, just playing racing games.
Dentistry students pay attention when their peers give presentations.
When its profs, though.. Cats-in-the-cradle with uber-long necklaces, anyone?
Dentistry students dress up for presentation even when dressing up has nothing to do with the presentation itself! (Bloody bohliao people haha)
Right now, those kids are chewing on paraffin wax and spitting all their saliva into cups. (Don't ask.)
These dentists-to-be are slanted to the right. And I don't mean politically.
Now, heres some dentistry students indulging in our favourite scholastic past time: Sleeping in class.
Q&M dental mcdonalds kindly sponsored a night for us at Hard Rock Cafe! (And of course made us listen to a lecture about Q&M la)
Fascinated by Q&M's business model, we listen attentively.
Although probably way more attentively to Hard Rock's rocking filipino house band.
And look what I saw there, right above the table i was sitting at! Jimmy Page's guitar! *Drool*
Okay thats all. Tired liao. =)
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