Sunday, February 26, 2006


Parents went on a day trip to Malaysia today! They went to some temple to pray.

(Incidentally some number they recieved there, and the license plate of the tour bus, both came out in tonight's 4D.. or at least the permutations did. So never strike.. sigh.)

Anyway they had a stop off at some dragonfruit orchard. You know, the funny looking spiny pink fruit with the white and black flesh. And they tell me that dragonfruit is actually a cactus!

So, totally bored of studying, I went to find pictures of the dragonfruit tree.

Enjoy =) Pictures courtesy of The DragonFruit Site!

Sorry for the long loading times. But I think its quite cool haha. You learn something every day! (something non-studies related anyway.)


At 4:52 am, March 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.. i posted a dragonfruit blog when i went to malaysia as well! haha... get my blog add fr lester (how's he?) if you're interested.. and it's confidential. and i see u posted a photo of me... :)


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