Monday, April 25, 2005

Pictures taken from phone

Today me and lester -

Sidetrack: I'm aware that to be grammatically accurate, I should be writing "Lester and I". But I'm sure many of you have noticed that, when I write or speak or sms, I have a tendency to put "me" first. Well, thats because I do la. Put myself first, I mean. I'm egocentric, I know (I can see Priscilla nodding her head). Can't help it, thats the way I am. If my slight egocentricity is hurting anyone, feel free to tell me, though. Most of its just in my head anyway (i think). Yea just to make that clear.

- went to Lucky Plaza to try and get rid of old handphones.

They quoted me a ridiculously low price for my old Nokia N-gage, just because the covers scratched and the rubber bumper is sorta loose. Cheapskates. On the other hand we noticed a lady looking to buy an ngage for her son, so we approached her to see if her son wants to buy my ngage cheap. Hope that works out.

Anyway, I also traded my super antiquated Sony Erisson T310 for a nokia handphone-to-usb cable. So that means I can post photos I've taken from my handphone now! Whoop de doo! Like this one (sorry can't resist):

My bro has a sweeeeeeeeet car.

And here are some pics I took in KL.

The soaring symbol of Kuala Lumpur's metropolitan status, as a world city as well as financial and political centre of Malaysia. And it gave me a crick in my neck when I tried to see the top.

Ramly Ayam Double Special. Looks like crap but its so damned good. I feel like there should be a punchline here but I can't think of anything funny to say. Maybe something like "Just like me" except I don't think I look like crap (refer to above under "egocentricity").

Fishballs made from saitou fish. Yummmmmmmmmmm. Like swedish meatballs, but white and bouncy and fishy smelling.

My travelling companion. She was kind enough to post lots of unflattering pictures of me on her blog (before you ask, I'm not going to link to it). But I shall be magnanimous and not put my formidable photoshop skills to task and, say, add horns or flames billowing from her nostrils. After all, I'm not childish (besides its 1.15am and I'm tired). Her penchant for taking sneaky photos of me aside, she was pretty good company la, so all ye defenders of JD don't need to flame her la huh =p

This is my favourite shot. I call it "Stag in KL Deer Park going 'What the f**k?' when interrupted from serene contemplation of whatever stags contemplate by kaypoh Singaporean tourists taking pictures of his butt".

OK thats it. Sleep time. I would actually be sleeping already now, except that the Spaghetti Carbonara I made for dinner was a bit too heavy. Sigh. Mental note: next time, less potato, more mushroom.


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