Sunday, May 15, 2005

Catharsis is a big word

A friend once told me she blogs as a form of catharsis. I nodded sagely and agreed with her.

Then I went home to check the dictionary to see what the hell catharsis means:

ca·thar·sis Pronunciation Key (k-thärss)
n. pl. ca·thar·ses (-sz)
1. Medicine. Purgation, especially for the digestive system.
2. A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions, especially pity and fear, described by Aristotle as an effect of tragic drama on its audience.
3. A release of emotional tension, as after an overwhelming experience, that restores or refreshes the spirit.
4. Psychology.
a. A technique used to relieve tension and anxiety by bringing repressed feelings and fears to consciousness.
b. The therapeutic result of this process; abreaction.

[New Latin, from Greek katharsis, from kathairein, to purge, from katharos, pure.]

Well.. hmm. I suppose I don't really treat blogging as a "release of emotional tension".. I have my music for that. I suppose to some extent a big reason i blog is to keep certain friends in the know with whats happening in my life.. But I find it hard to make it a habit la.

I find I usually only feel like blogging when I'm super sian.. like now, for instance. I just came back from Fay's birthday party, which was good fun, hanging out with friends and all that. Didn't go for her after-party at Altivo though, cos I didn't really have anyone to go with la, as usual. And I came home to an empty house (aside from the sleeping maid and kids la).. My brother and sis-in-law out at some event or other, my parents apparently at some karaoke bar a relative just set up..

My parents are cooler than me! Alamak.

Haha but seriously. Its not like I even really enjoy the clubbing/pubbing/drinking scene anyway.

I don't wanna be anything other than
What I've been trying to be lately
All I've got to do is think of me
And I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't wanna be anything other than me

I don't deny if I'm successful in the future (as i sincerely hope to be), and financially capable of living the high life, I probably would. Dress well, eat well, drive a sweet ride, dating fast women (heh), vacationing at hotspots like Ibiza with my happening friends.. Probably get carried away doing all that too.

But I think the real me sits on a grassy riverbank with a book and a guitar.. then the mates arrive and we fish for a couple of hours.. then i bring home the fish to the missus, we cook a good fresh dinner together, and then snuggle in front of the tv till late..

I guess we'll see.


At 8:04 am, May 16, 2005, Blogger louist said...

yeah when i read your first line i was wondering what the heck catharsis meant...

anyway you can be filthy rich and still do what your real you wants. i think that's the best. my aim. haha. be rich while avoiding high society. i'd probably achieve the latter but not the former =p

At 2:00 am, May 17, 2005, Blogger Đirestraits said...

Yea i totally agree thats the best, but on the other hand i feel its sort of mutually exclusive. i mean, if you're -that- rich, wouldn't you want to put your money to some use? in a selfish manner i mean. i admit i'm not altruistic to the extent that i'm willing to donate my entire fortune to charity.. i'd still want to spend some money on myself. and once you start spending money on yourself.. how do you stop?

Unless you intend to live the high life, with all the trappings of high society, but without the actual high society affiliation la. like a rich hermit, a la howard hughes towards the end of his life.

But thats just sort of sad.

More likely (for all of us, when we make it) I think it'll be a case of high society living till a certain age when we get jaded and finally return to yourself (return to innocence?).

I suppose I'm just lucky my "real me" is something a retired lazy ass old fart can do.. Haha.


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