Friday, June 10, 2005

Surfing the WWW

I made absolutely brilliant mash potatos for dinner, with diced carrots, cucumber, butter, cheese, pepper, salt, coriander, oregano and thousand island salad dressing. It was served on lettuce leaves as a side for beef steak. And that, coupled with a few glasses of wine, completely knocked me out after dinner.. haha!

Anyway, that explains why I'm awake in the middle of the night right now, surfing the web.. found some interesting sites, thought I'd share them:

This guy is quite incredible.. I'm sure you've read about him (the nutter who built a boat in the shape of a Ferrari F50 out of wood and ran it through the canals of venice) but his other works are way more astonishing. He built a wooden house, composed of books and other biblio-influenced (is that a word?) paraphernalia. Also check out his wood carved clothing.. The folds and textures are incredibly lifelike.

Check it out at

Some girl (who just happens to be, apparently, intelligent and pretty) conducts a sociology experiment, and reveals how elitist Abercrombie & Fitch is. Or at least that outlet they went to lah. Anyway, goth chicks are hot. Just look at Avril Lavigne and Charlotte Hattherley. They don't look too good naturally (sorry), but are damn cute goth-ed up.. heh.

Check it out at


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