Wednesday, November 17, 2004

"Dum spiro, spero"

Doesn't everything seem smarter when you say it in latin? Try this phrase on for size:

"Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?"

Does that sound smart? Try and figure out what it means.

"Dum sprio, spero", is commonly attributed to Cicero. It basically means "As long as I breathe, I dream". Everyone needs dreams. I have lots of dreams. Most, I hope, will come true. Such as being a great dentist, and making lots of money, and sort of having the kinda lifestyle my siblings have, just molded to me, of course. Or having a room in my house dedicated to music, with guitars on the wall, huge sound system, stacks of brilliant cds, a whole set of instruments, and lots of soundproofing.

Others, may not be so easy to get. I also dream to get a degree in music. And a degree in law. A masters in business admin. Hell maybe even one in medicine. All just for knowledge of course. And I want to own a yacht. Go sailing round the world.

Some dreams, are essentially impossible. Like, I dunno, hooking up with movie stars, or playing on stage to a standing crowd of ten thousand, a la Metallica. Or just dropping it all and leaving for a better, nicer place, living the life of a bum, living off the land, maybe making some side money as a busker. Haha.

Good thing I'm a practical, down-to-earth kinda guy. I know what I can achieve, and I can't. Not so much a "shoot for the stars and hit the moon" kinda guy. More of a "aim for the moon and get there no matter what" kind of focus.

But I'm not really writing about dreams today. I was actually thinking more about what gave rise to these dreams. The original cause. Ab initio, if you may. Knowing this should help you understand why you have such dreams, and from that, why you are the person you are and what you've got to do to attain your dreams.

For example. One of my dreams is to learn French and live in France, for awhile anyway. (Incidentally I've tried learning French before. Not really my language, I thought, but I suppose I'm willing to try again, if I can find the time.) I suppose its a love of beauty and art (and dare I say sex, haha), which France apparently has lots of. Then I decided its because of my French flick kick. Where did this French flick kick originate? Ahh, its from the movie Chocolat. There we go. A movie which perfectly captured how idyllic a small town in France can be.

And remember how Juliette Binoche's Vianne could choose the perfect chocolate for anyone? And so effectively ensnare them in chocolate's devilish trap? I recall learning something from that. It doesn't matter how expensive a gift is, and "its the thought that counts" can be quite overrated. Its finding the gift that fits, no matter how small, thats will allow you to, for lack of a better phrase, capture someone.

I know that sounds quite "duh", and Obviousman (from Wiley's Non Sequitur, ooh more latin!) would be leaping in to attack this Blinding Flash of the Obvious. But hey, most presents are bought for the sake of them, aren't they? The whole "Its a thought that counts thing". Granted, some people truly are tough to buy for. Like my parents, for example. The Have-alls and Want-nothings. But I'm sure if you pay close attention to someone, and take notes even, you'll find you know precisely what he/she would want most when the time comes. I suppose you could save it, but who needs an occasion anyway, right?

Yes, I hardly treat most of my friends that well. But this works as a reminder to myself too, I suppose.

Anyway, reflection is good. Introspection is good. Everytime you find just a tiny reason why a certain facet of you is the way it is, its like this little glimmer of clarity in your life. And you can only be the better for it.

I suppose thats the higher state of being that Zen masters, yogi, new-agers et al strive for. A step towards nirvana, even.

Besides, haha, I have the time for it now, for a few weeks more at least.

Oh and if you've actually been trying to figure out what that latin phrase above meant, well, here it is:

"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck woood?"

Okay, now, go, get out of here. Its a nice day, and chances are, unlike me, you're not immobolised. Fac ut vivas.


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