Friday, November 12, 2004

Its fun to be a guy.

You know, there are times when I'm really glad to be a guy. Cos its simply damn fun.

There are many reasons why I love being male. (For instance, females. Specifically, hot girls, but thats another story.)

But one big reason, is being able to do stupid, mindless, senseless things for no particular reason.

Some guys like sticking small, moisture filled objects (like grapes, or hamsters) in microwaves to watch them explode.

Others, like to create blowtorches with Strawberry Pop Tarts and toasters with the popping lever jammed in the "Down" position.

Had some buds over today for pizza and xbox. And since today is Deepavali, in the spirit of religious harmony, we decided to celebrate the Festival of Lights too.

We're not as ambitious as some other guys, of course. Anyway, we're more into playing with sparklers. To be more accurate, hundreds of sparklers. At once. Hahahahahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, heres todays effort:

Somewhat smaller than some we've done before, but pretty spectacular nonetheless! Haha. (Lazy to post pics/vids here. Email me if you're interested, I suppose)

I used to shave them and compress them in little glass jars, but it was took too much work. This way is nice too, and actually its better in away cos it lasts much longer (Though less bright).

You probably don't understand what I'm talking about. Nevermind.

Maybe one day I'll get to participate in the pinnacle of guy madness: Lighting a Charcoal Grill.

Whats so mad about that? Well check out these links and you'll see:

Man, I love being a guy. How could you be a girl and get away with doing funky things like that? Haha.

I'm the man, baby, I'm the man.


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