Thursday, February 17, 2005

Laziness is Boundaryless (Lots of rambling today)

Laziness, I think, transcends all barriers. You can be lazy regardless of race, language, creed, nationality, society, occupation, wealth, etc. You can be lazy in Singapore. You can be lazy in Delhi. You can be lazy in Puerto Rico. You can be the CEO of General Electric and be lazy. You can be a jobless beggar and be lazy. Laziness has no walls. The world can be lazy as one.

Okay well the last paragraph was quite pointless la huh. I'm tired but pretty bored and can't sleep. Louis says I don't appreciate the joy of writing. So I took that as a challenge and here I am, blogging.

Anyway in my last blogtry I said the warm weather makes me lazy. Actually, air conditioned comfort like I'm enjoying now makes me lazy too. I think I'm just lazy. Haha. However, warm weather makes me lazier. Uncontrollably lazy.

Urgh okay I'm writing complete crap.

Oh but what the hell I haven't blogged in so long I think I'll just give my creativity free rein to sh*t whatever bull it can.

Hmm thats a pretty strange image. Defecating male bovines, I mean.




*plop* "MOOOOOO!"


Just don't wear red underwear.

Actually you don't wear underwear while doing Number 2.

What the hell am I writing. Man.

Oh I decided to stop the whole one cute chick photo per entry thing. Not because I've lost interest in women, which is completely impossible. But because I'm really too damn lazy to go look for pictures la.

Lol. Fine, heres one more.

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Maggi Q! So tasty!

Man I'm drowsy.

My fingers are essentially on autopilot now.

I was having dinner just now with ben and lester. Ben mentioned his girlfriend (whos doing Law in NUS) needs to do a 3500 word essay. Is 3500 words a lot? I'm not sure.

Maybe at the end of this rambling entry I'll do a word count. Then I can get an idea of how long 3500 words is.

Of course, law essays don't start new paragraphs every sentence or so.

You know, I've always been interested in law. More interested in the past than I am now, I suppose. Pretty much fixated with doing dentistry and making money thru econs/business/magic these days.

I don't even really remember why I liked law.

I'll probably remember in the morning, but my brain is just not really moving now.

I think its something to do with the whole thing about intelligent people pitting their minds against each other.

I'm not the super noble pro bono type, I suppose. I just like challenges, sort of.

At least when I'm not being lazy.

Well yea its funny how when the brotherhood (3 of my closest guy friends and me) meets up talk invariably goes towards business. I suppose its cos we're all preoccupied with money.. haha. Or at least 3/4 of the brotherhood are.

Nelly thinks that its probably cos we're in NS and have too much time on our hands.. True, true, I think. Haha. Shes right. This time next year we'll probably be studying our asses off or talking about campus cuties.

Campus cuties. Haha. Funny term.

My pet dog was called cutie. Her dad was a terrier, mom was a pom. No idea why cutie had monochrome fur, with a white dad and a golden mom. I loved her. She was small, adorable, and damned smart.

There was once she was stolen away by lord knows which theiving bastards. She chewed through the leash and ran back home.

Once she got knocked down by a car outside my house. I nearly had a heart attack. But she crawled home and was ultimately fine. She always had a limp since then though.


My family took her to be put down while i was training in Tekong. I didn't even know. But she was old and had cataracts. She kept running into things. Hurt me a lot to see it. I suppose it was the right thing to do. Wish my family told me though.

The current dog at my house is called Dino. My sister's dog, actually. Yorkshire terrier, I think. Pretty damned dumb.

Dino pisses when he gets excited. So its actually quite a turn off to see him scamper to you happily when you get in the door, cos it means you'll have to tread carefully in the house or end up stepping in dog urine.

And he barks like a maniac at absolutely nothing at all. Sparrow lands on the backyard wall, bark bark bark. Sparrow stays on the wall, bark bark bark. Sparrow flies away, bark bark bark. No new sparrow comes to take the place of the old sparrow, bark bark bark.

And worse of all, he chases passerbys. Which actually is okay because hes a tiny dog and most people aren't afraid of dogs that can't reach your kneecap. BUT. He bites. Urgh.

Yes, I don't really like Dino very much. So sue me. Most of you will know I love animals. And I'm generally a pretty nice guy. But damn, if that dog isn't the most annoying thing in the world. Gremlin in disguise, or something.

Anyway yea I was at spotlight today, helping nel look for party decor. So yea I was looking at all the fabrics they had there and I was wondering who actually buys them? I mean yea sure I understand there are people out there who sew clothes and drapes and all that, but I've never actually met any.

I'd like to, though! Just for kicks.

The only people I know who shop at spotlight for fabrics are like school kids looking for project stuff, or design students or something. Hmm who are actually also school kids looking for project stuff. Oh well.

Oh we saw an SCGS girl there buying a blue cloth the exact same shade as her school uniform. Wonder if she sews her own school uniforms. Haha.

Hmm okay I'm having a blank for awhile. Lets twiddle thumbs and wait for the next random though.

*twiddle thumbs*

dum de dum.

*twiddle thumbs*

Oh yes. "Boundaryless". The term I used in this blogtry title. Comes from Jack Welch. Its a management concept he came up with for General Electric. In a nut shell, good things, especially ideas, have no boundaries. Go read his book. Its good. Definitely worth the time.

Oh I watched Constantine today. Very good show! Must watch. Its like matrix minus the weird futuristic mumbo jumbo. I do love graphic novel adaptations. Sellout, maybe, but at least you know the background will have some substance.

And oh man, I do love rachel weisz.

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The divine Ms Weisz

Loved her in About a Boy, loved her in the mummy and the mummy returns, love her in Constantine.

Haha man yet another unattainable celebrity crush for me.

Hmm. Well a friend was telling me about some pest bugging her to let him visit her house. Shan't name names here la huh. Apparently he doesn't get the idea that she doesn't intend to let him, after a few attempts. Anyway it just got me thinking. Why are some people just so bloody thick? They don't seem to be able to take hints.

Another good example would be evangelists. And MLM practitioners.

I mean I understand you probably mean no harm. But if you're gonna be a bloody pest about it go give yourself a few tight slaps and just bugger the hell off.

So yea, when you're being annoyed by people like that, what should you do? Polite rejection doesn't seem to get the idea across. So give in? Or stand by your principles and tell the truth?

I'm for the latter, but thats just me. I'm all for principles and ethics and morals.

Well. Theres this thing thats been bugging me lately. Whats the difference between a sweet guy and a thoughtful/nice guy?

I think I'm the latter. At least no one (that i recall) has ever really called me sweet. I don't want to be called sweet, by the way. Doesn't fit with my macho image haha.

But yea another of my friends is apparently "very sweet" (yes you, bro.. haha at least I'm not announcing your name! lol) and i'm just curious as to wherein the difference lies.

So please, if you have any ideas, leave a comment.

And oei. Those of you who read my blog (I know there are a few la) leave comments leh.

I know I ask questions time to time in my blog but no one (aside from Louis) actually leaves comments. So I'm like basically talking to an empty wall plus one.

I mean fine la so practically no one reads my blog, which doesn't really matter to me, but I'm just a bit irritated when people whom I know read my blog don't give their opinions on things I geniunely care (hence write) about.

If you don't like leaving comments at least msn me or email me right? Haiyoh.

Urgh okay I get grumpy sometimes. Sorry.

My right ear hurts! Why does it hurt? Strange.

Anyway I watched Ray last night. Also a brilliant show! But in a different way of course. Its also very easy watching. Full of beautiful music, so I guess its no surprise I loved it.

I do love my music, very much.

Although my guitar prowess has stagnated. Hard to improve, and the passion has kind of died down.

Not easy to concentrate on so many things at once la. Right now its my health and improving the old mind.

Oh I've got all the liquors required to make B52 sitting on my shelf right now! Baileys, Kahlua, Grand Marnier. Not that that has anything to do with health or improving the mind (kind of the inverse, lol) but I just happened to see it when I glanced upwards. Haha.

Right now I would take a picture of them, except, no convenient camera.

I do want a camera phone. Haha. 6260? 6230? Dunno.

Been thinking about getting a new digicam too. Any recommendations? I suppose my budget is about 500 odd. Though all I want is a camera that can take good 4R photos, and preferably video clips with sound. 3 megapixels would be good enough for me, really.

Urgh but all this needs money. Don't like spending money much. Last month's spending was astronomical. Cutting down like mad this month.

Oh, theres something to do! Update my spendings spreadsheet! Haha. Excellent! Can stop blogging now. Haha.

Hmm just did a word count. This blogtry is about 1.6k. Wow, 3500 words IS long. Poor ben's girlfriend. Poor lawyers to be, in fact. Verbosity, tsk.


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