Sunday, February 20, 2005

TOYs of our Lives

TOYs = Twenty One Years.

I'm going to be twenty one this year.. Most of you who read this blog are too! Its sort of a boundary in life, I think. The progression into legal adulthood.

If we do something stupid this year on, it'll be jail, not the Boy's/Girl's Home.

Not that anyones going to do anything stupid of course.. haha.

For me, it means that I can register a business under my name. Or a corporate banking account, with checkbooks and stuff.

Anyway.. reason for this blog is cos I just came back from Nel's 21st birthday partai. Which was fun! Thanks for inviting, Nel! Haha.

It was fun catching up with JC classmates, anyway.

Didn't meet any new people la, but I don't really the sociable type la.

And guys who are rolling their eyes now I've told you before I don't pick up girls who are friend's friends =P

So yea it was a pretty good party! It was blackpink themed and everyone was supposed to be in blackpink which for some reason didn't happen la. But I was in blackshirt and I had a fake pink Livestrong imitation armband! And I think Nel was happy so thats the main thing! Haha. I'll put photos if Nel sends them to me.

Nel, please send the photos to me! Haha.

But well it was a pretty cliquish party.. As all parties are, really, so its no big deal. Thus its a little hard to meet new people. To break the cliques, so to speak.

I remember Joanne's party about 2 weeks back. It wasn't really that cliquish. I think mainly because most of the guests knew each other, or at least knew a few people who knew each other. And also, there weren't all that many people, maybe twenty odd. And most importantly (I think) we were all forced to sit at the same table. Only one table lah.

Mental note: If I have a party this year, only have one table, and don't allow people to stray from it.

Actually I doubt I'm going to have a party la. Like who will I invite, man? With so many of my good friends overseas by then. And my birthday is before I start school, so its not like I'll have school friends either.

My intention is to hide out my birthday in Australia or something.. who knows? Haha.

I've always felt that birthdays aren't a big deal la. Okay maybe once in awhile I may feel lonely or something, but I don't particularly feel the progression of time is something worth celebrating.

Its just a great excuse to meet up with friends and have fun =)

But this is, after all, the twenty first year. I keep hearing people tell me "Do something you'll remember" and "Celebrate your birthday with a bang" and all that sort of stuff.

I think I'd just like a quiet gathering, with maybe a nice guestbook like Joanne's thing with all my best friends writing in it, that'd be perfect.

But then so many of my good friends will be overseas! Haha.

Oei all of you come back and celebrate my birthday with me! Lol.


At 12:52 pm, February 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo bro. haha. :) for camera get an ixus. it has got lighting auto balance. pictures come out just nice. my sony comes out too bright. in a totally dark room. the flash makes it look like afternoon. :)


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