Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A late "Happy New Year!"

Y'know, maybe I'm just not much of a blogger. Too much that happens in my life I really don't feel like writing down, for various reasons.. too sensitive, too insignificant, too boring, too complicated.

What I always wanted to do was keep a real actual diary. The pen and paper and bound volumes with gold leaf type, yea? Problem is, my handwriting sucks, and writing is too slow for my thought process. I'm a very fast touchtyper, and I can type nearly as fast as my mind can come up with the words.

Blogs though.. I don't think they serve the same purpose as diaries. The whole in the public thing, I suppose. And private blogs.. well. I dunno. Call me a sentimentalist but I think theres really something in an actual book you can hold.

Kind of how love letters aren't really love letters unless they're handwritten on nice paper. Emails? No way. Too easy. No effort at all.

Like if you recieve a christmas card, wouldn't you want the note inside to be handwritten? Its more personal, that way.

Well. A slightly belated happy new year, everyone! Its gonna be a good 2005.

I've always liked the traditional imagery of the old year, personified by a wizened old man, being replaced by a cute little cherub, the embodiment of the new year. Not so much the young replacing the old, but more of the idea of fresh change which pleases everyone.

Hmm its resolution time, too. Commonly, new years resolutions are fervently pledged at the start of each year, fervently ignored in one or two months time, then fervently forgotten by mid year.

This year, though, I'm going to break the trend! I'm going to try and keep at least half of my resolutions.. Haha. Of course, this first resolution may well be broken too but hell, a guy can try.

One of my resolutions is to try and not be affected by my pet peeves.

One of my pet peeves is not liking to carry women's handbags for them. I think its demeaning and embarassing. But this year on, I shall be secure in my masculinity, and grin and bear it.

Another one is when people don't reply my smses. Of course some smses don't need to be replied, but when I ask a bloody question I expect a bloody answer, even if it ends up coming 6 hours late.

And a subpeeve of this peeve are smses less than 3 words long. Like "OK" or "K thanks" or whatever. Hell, you've got 160 chars to emote, and its not like 160 chars is damn long, can you please just try and make some use of it??!

Alright, okay, that was a last rant. From this year on, I promise, if people sms me and don't reply, I'll just politely sms again. I promise not to get angry and stuff your handphone up your arse or down your throat.

Have a great 2005! (ord loh)


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