Saturday, March 05, 2005

Flaming flowers that brightly blaze

I've been such a guy these two days! Its fun to just, y'know, act like a normal guy.. forget about studying and work and all that.

All immature and shit, know what I mean?

Lots of playing of XBox, of course.

Watching sports with beer and chips. (Okay actually thats tomorrow. Formula 1 Season, baby! FERRARI!!!!)

Reading crap but hilariously funny books by authors like Dave Barry, Drew Carey, Tim Allen. (I read fast)

And last night I had a good time jamming with part of the brotherhood. Jamming rocks man! Its been too long since i've done it. Completely forgot how fun it is to just play music with a bunch of guys.

Admittedly last night was a poor facsimile of how jamming should be, since there were only three guys and one of them just picked up the guitar recently.. But I still had fun.

When I came home I listened to some of the songs my secondary school bands recorded.. sounds good man! Well maybe not damn good, and probably not as good as the stuff my bands in JC and army did. But it was very obvious we were having a damn good time, lots of cheering and laughing..

I miss those good old days. In all my latter day bands, theres more stress, politics even. Always trying to make the most out of practices, searching for songs, looking for individual parts, arranging it to make it sound professional, I dunno.

I just want to get out there with a loud mic and a rocking guitar, y'know?

In secondary school jinming and I used to go peninsular plaza after school to jam for an hour. We did 2 man "Smells like Teen Spirit". It was pure unadulterated noise, but total release, I tell you.

Its not something we'd do nowadays, I suppose, after being exposed to how good bands can actually sound.. but its a fond memory, y'know? Nostalgia. And for me that'll always be how jamming should be.

Not so much the sound, or the music, but the spirit of just rocking out.

Yea and tonight Jinming came over for us to work on our Spudgun again.

For the uninitiated, a spudgun is basically just something that fires potatos. Usually it works on combustion of gases such as propane or butane, or in more advanced cases they can be pneumatic.

We're just making a simple one, really, and if the potato would fly 20 metres we'd be damn happy.

Because so far we've spent i think up of 8 hours on it and we still can't get it to work la. At least now we've figured out how to get the ignition system to work.. Nearly burnt my eyebrows off just now when it fired off unexpectedly =P

Haha see what great fun it is to be a guy. Sure, girls may have much more fun, I dunno, dressing up or gossiping or shopping for shoes..

But guys get to stick 500 plus sparklers into a can and light it all at one go!

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Ooooooh, yummy. And incidentally these are just before/after pics. Can't get any pics of the actual explosion unless you want searing white patches! We have vids, though! Haha

Guys rock, man. Getting away with occasional immaturity rocks. Haha.

Time to play some guitar! Haha maybe I'll do some speed drills on my electric.. or work on my jazz intonation.

Oh I realise that cos of my guitar playing the music I listen to is actually quite limited.. A lot of what I listen to I do because of the guitar parts.

And I tend to like slower stuff now.. maybe I'm just getting old at 20 going on to 21 la.

While driving just now, I listened to this Hiphop/R&B cd a friend burnt for me.. After two songs I nearly barfed. I'm totally out of it, man... Not my scene any longer.

Maybe in a year or so I'll be back in the mood.. but for now, sooth me, dear Joss, dear Norah.

P.S. Yea, I know, yesterday's "JD, you're a machine" campaign didn't work, alright? Don't rub my face in it. I'll try again tomorrow.


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