Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Off to Perth!

I'm leaving for Perth tomorrow morning! I'll blog later if I have the time (or rather if I have something to write). Anyway I should really start packing.. hmm.

Cheers! Be back in 8 days!


Packing luggage is a bitch man. At least, its a bitch when you have to try and fit a suit into your luggage. And dress shoes. And sandals. Can't even use a bag for my suit cos the bag don't fit in my luggage bag, so now my suit is probably getting really creased.. Haha.

While packing I realised something though.

My clothes cupboard is in a huge mess.

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The reason the original picture is so huge is cos thats the default setting of my new digicam and I can't be bothered to resize it. Besides, its also to dissuade people from enlarging the picture and inspecting what strange clothes i have: "Eyerh whats that flowery blue thing?" "Is that a bright gold shirt I spy?" "Eh, pink!"

Thats after removal of 2 full bags of clothes to be karang gunied, when I cleaned up my cupboard a few weeks back la. And excluding a full laundry basket. And i've still got about 2 fieldpacks worth of army attire downstairs.

I was wondering for awhile if I have too much clothes, but Kevin assured me that I don't.. he has more =p Lol.

How do you ladies out there manage having so much clothes? (Here I'm making a sexist, but probably true, assumption) I mean, with tops, bottoms, dresses, double the underwear and I don't know what else. Then again women probably have ten times as much footwear than I do. I suppose its a gender thing.

But well. Totally stuck in this trap of having too much clothes. Just keep buying new ones, and wearing the new ones, and thus disregarding the old ones.

I think I regularly use (regularly meaning wear at least once a year) at most 1/3 to of my wardrobe.

I have like 20 dress shirts, at least, and 3 suits and 2 sport jackets. Which I probably won't use regularly till I'm out of university. And by then they'll probably all be mouldy. Jeez.

Mental note: Clear out cupboard after coming back from Perth and donate clothes to Salvation Army.


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