Thursday, September 07, 2006

Kinda Naughty.. but Nice!

Kind of a severely overdue post, but.. if you haven't, please visit! Or click the image below.

To those of you unaware, Lester and I have finally begun selling Kinda Naughty. but Nice© game sets!

Its a game that we (meaning the Brotherhood) created together, and its loads of fun! More information about its creation is on the website.

Its been a long road to get this far, where we can actually hold our finished product in our hands and start publicising it and playing it with our friends.

Still a long way to go, though. A very long way. Our actual launch is coming up, probably in October now. And we still have many publicity/marketing/sales avenues not yet researched.

But we are on our way.

At this point in time though, we really need your support to purchase our game. We need to have a certain following to be able to garner any respect when we begin to market ourselves to pubs, clubs or even the media for that matter. So please, please support us! Support KNN and help us make it a success.

Besides, its a really fun game, really! Haha. I promise you won't regret it.

Once again, visit! Cheers =)