Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Roam the world

I enjoy travelling, I really do. But I realise I don't really like to leave my comfort zone very much.. As in, I like to return to the places I've already been to and enjoyed myself at.

Well thats not wholly true. I think if I had really excellent companionship, I would probably enjoy checking out new places. But right now, alone, I don't really feel that adventurous.

Anyway. I consider myself relatively averagely well travelled, I suppose. At least I leave the country about twice a year, minimum. I think my parents first took me travelling when I was uhh 3 yrs old. Think it was Taiwan or Hong Kong.


My parents love to amuse themselves (and humiliate me) by telling the entire world anecdotes of my childhood.

Things like how, when I was three and holidaying in taiwan, I refused to let go of my Dad's hand cos I was afraid to get lost, yet refused to admit that it was my hand holding his hand cos I was angry at him for not buying me a windmill. (Hey, I was small and kids don't have much guile.)

Or like how, when I was smaller than three, my parents used to put my dad's artist reference books in front of me (read: full of nudes) and I used to be fascinated with them. (I maintain its the pretty borders of the pages that interested me.)

Anyway, whats with the whole humiliation thing? I mean I don't mind my parents liking to tell stories of my childhood, but they obviously derive such morbid fascination in watching me squirm. So they HAVE to pick the most embarassing stories possible.

Or like how when I'm alone with my parents at home, they'd call me by name. But when I have friends over, all kinds of weird terms of endearment appear, like "小隽隽" or "达儿" or the like. Urgh.

:End of Sidetrack

So. With my family, I've been to China, I dunno, probably like 10 times by now. And aside from the freezingly cold Harbin, my parents have basically been to every part of China worth visiting. And we've been to Australasia a good 3 or 4 times too.. And I seem to keep going back there of my own accord.

Kinda stuck in a rut, huh?

My flight stewardess friends have practically painted the world crimson with their personal brands. Whereas I've left much of the world untouched, but painted and repainted certain portions so often its the colour of dried blood.

Sorry about that. The colour red always gets me feeling slightly morbid.

Well hey don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I'm happy the way I am, and though there are lots of places I'd love to visit, such as greece, spain, egypt, I'm just saying that I don't really think I actually want to.. Not till I have the right person/people to explore it with.

Meanwhile, stuck in my comfort zone, I'm nonetheless happy as a clam =)

Idea for this blog came wholly from Louis Tan's blog and his link to the site shown down below. Thanks bro. (He writes like I sometimes wish I could write. But envy is a sin, so i'm simply happy for him. See how magnanimous I getting? Thats a NewYearsRes of mine!)

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or check our Rome travel guide


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